What Sellers Really Want to See in a Real Estate Offer: A Comprehensive Guide

Presenting a strong offer can be one of the most important tools in a competitive Charleston real estate market. Having helped countless sellers navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of real estate transactions, I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes a real estate offer stand out. If you’re a buyer looking to make your offer irresistible, here are some insights straight from my experience with the sellers themselves.

1. Competitive Price

Let’s start with the most obvious – the price. Sellers want to see an offer that reflects the true value of their lowcountry home. While it’s tempting to lowball, remember that a fair, competitive offer will not only grab their attention, but also show that you respect the value of their property. An offer close to, or at the asking price, indicates seriousness and commitment – now, if they didn’t price for the market, that’s a different story. And we can certainly discuss how to customize a respectable and market-appropriate offer!

2. Pre-Approval Letter

One of the first things sellers look for is proof that you’re financially capable of closing the deal. Including a pre-approval letter or proof of funds (if paying cash) from your lender shows that you’ve done your homework and are ready to move forward with buying a home in the Charleston area. It gives sellers confidence that the deal won’t fall through due to financing issues. Get this going upfront, we don’t want to wait until you find a property you love – it will add more stress for you and your decision making will be more emotional as a result.

3. Reasonable Contingencies

Contingencies can be deal-breakers. While some contingencies, like home inspections and appraisals, are standard, try to keep them to a minimum. Sellers appreciate offers with fewer hurdles, as it suggests a smoother path to closing. If possible, consider waiving less critical contingencies to make your offer more attractive. For example, I typically urge my clients to waive the CL100 (termite/wood infestation inspection) contingency but we still get this inspection during due diligence. That way, you are protected if something comes up on it but the seller has more confidence in your offer because the whole contract does not hinge on this one report.

4. Flexible Closing Date

Flexibility can be a major plus in your offer. Sellers may have their own timelines for moving out, and being accommodating with the closing date can set your offer apart. Whether they need a quick close or some extra time, showing that you’re willing to work with their schedule can make a big difference. And not every seller needs to be out in 30 days!

5. Solid Earnest Money Deposit

A significant earnest money deposit shows that you’re serious about your offer. It’s a good-faith gesture that reassures the seller of your commitment. Typically, the deposit is around 1-3% of the offer price, but offering a bit more can demonstrate your dedication to sealing the deal and making the beautiful lowcountry your new home.

6. Clean and Complete Offer

Make sure your offer is clean and complete. This means all documents are filled out correctly, all necessary signatures are in place, and the offer is presented professionally. A well-organized offer indicates attention to detail and respect for the seller’s time. This is my job and I will make sure our offer is clear, concise, and ready to go!

7. Proof of Funds

If you’re making a cash offer or putting down a large down payment, include proof of funds. This reassures the seller that you have the financial means to back up your offer and adds a layer of security to the transaction.

In the competitive world of Charleston real estate, standing out can be challenging, but knowing what sellers value in an offer can give you a significant edge. By presenting a competitive price, including a pre-approval letter, minimizing contingencies, being flexible with the closing date, adding a personal touch, offering a solid earnest money deposit, ensuring your offer is clean and complete, and providing proof of funds, you’ll be well on your way to making an irresistible offer.

Remember, each seller is unique, and their priorities may vary. As always, working closely with your real estate agent can provide personalized strategies to make your offer shine.

Happy Holy City house hunting!

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